Thursday 2 September 2010

household debt ratio is now 140

household debt ratio is now 140,family income,past history on the half price is half of the extra high induced.The more you use more leverage to the deleveraging,this will lead to long-term economic downturn.American history,the average household savings rate is 8%,which becomes a negative bubble,why save? house up so much every year Do you think more and more money,not save money ah.Now,quickly returned to 5%,to more than 10%,by the slowly pay back the money.U.S.household debt has just dropped,just drop the first quarter of this year christian louboutin a little bit,this process is better than a few years.So the U.S.economy is 5 years which will never come back,and takes a lot of adjustments.Moreover,not only the liability issue,there are costs.20 years,the most important the medical costs,from 8% of GDP to 16.5% of GDP,this adjustment takes a long time,medical costs should be transferred care costs and population age index,proportional to the square,in the process of population aging,health care costs rise.addition,the United States than in other countries,after all,increased so much that he related system,other Americans have weight gain in recent years.The U.S.1 / 3 are from the medical definition of obesity ,relatively early onset of cardiovascular disease,caused by rising health care costs.Why is a good christian louboutin shoes U.S.president,the White House vegetables is very important to encourage people to eat vegetables.the United States this issue is not only the issue of debt,there is a very important social phenomenon,This social phenomenon is not resolved,the U.S.economy is better is not easy.Why do you think the U.S.economy will soon come back,and China,the possibility of a virtuous circle is very small,this thing would not even think of first.Why do I say this? China rely on exports,domestic demand,said domestic demand,it is said to listen to foreigners,we mainly rely on exports,foreign economy is very important.You see in Europe and Japan,are an aging population,their socio-economic impact is very large,Over the past few years the problem is covered up by the world economic prosperity,now be exposed to the German population decline has been christian louboutin sale 10 years,and we are talking about Japan's population decline.Their unemployment rate is over 10% in the past,then swap to 7%,which is economic prosperity,and now back.Why is unemployment so high? because you pay most of the people employed are aged others,and work with what enthusiasm? does not work,like Germany,you unemployment benefits rather 7,8 percent in wages,you have to actively work? I do not understand why the Europeans have to work it? his economic system is not to encourage people to work,do not encourage people to make money,so the economy is not will be good.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

This is a pair of small size of shape of the feet

This is a pair of small size of shape of the feet, four feet that was completely reversed in the foot, trapped in the feet, the soles toes flat under the former is four deep concave profile, long after the four toe dressing has become gray, do not see a trace of color. Linger light wash for the old lady, Jia Shulan Best Looking back on just this smart girl: such a well-behaved girl Daoshi people like. then asked: \to wait on Miss a. \East-year-old with his parents to the capital, after the parents died, the capital where slaves did not Qinjuan, also returned to his home. \his head, humming, said: \: \with such a story: According to legend, the emperor Hui Ge of Taiyuan, the Northern Expedition off element, stationed Taiyuan Yuan army, with the Taiyuan city wall of the geographical advantages, to Plaza to be labor, dying cling to. minthi levy large christian louboutin general regular book, to understand enemy troops more, then Woodman disguise himself, entering into the Taiyuan city undercover. But then, things are not confidential, regular book traces the line by military spies discover the element. When he was just outside the bridge across the east of the city of Taiyuan Street, entering into the Chao Xi door , Yuan army ambush on all sides by outflanking. very large general urgency among the killed to open a way to survive, Guairu root of an alley wall, a dilapidated North Lane drilling a small yard. decadent in that the residual small courtyard, lived a more Nail the widows and orphans in Liu's old lady. Her husband used to be per soldier killed, son arrested by Yuan army husband, did not return, so she hated Yuan soldiers. she saw the Woodcutter Yuan soldiers kill husband was very sympathetic thus kept in regular book into the backyard of Chaiduo hidden in. to be pursuing soldiers broke into homes in search, Liu's dumb, coax them to go. very large general rescued , grateful for the elderly life-saving grace. parting, he easily took off his hospital in a willow tree, to Liu's said: the mother, soon to be war here, and in order not to repeat your old war, please It is inserted in the street door, the Ming army to see the willow, it will conscientious protection. But a few days, the military turned out scored Taiyuan. Liu's seeing the war that is, the fear of neighbors and escape the war robbed, then go home series family, told all the neighbors, depicting switchgrass inserted in the door first. christian louboutin shoes As regular book explore the city clean up the enemy, should be arranged within the provocateur, the Ming army Liyingwaige, quickly won the Taiyuan City. scored the city's next army soldiers, according to very large general command, see the willow inserted in the door yard, they take extra care to protect Qiuhaowufan. After the war, the public neighborhood to flu Xieliu Shi, and to commemorate the recovery of Taiyuan, he gave the door the first of the willow, plant Introduction to Front Street side. The willow will root, pumping technology, germination, Tucui. insert streets of willow, as time goes on, long into small willow, willow until the big old willow. So ah, from spring to summer, From summer to autumn, this inconspicuous alley, gradually pine-shaded branches smoke Na, cool, comfortable. The street also named Liu Xiang Street. in previous years that a major flood inundated the South and South Gate City of Commerce City streets christian louboutin sale , merchants are only gradually to Liu Xiang, Bridge Street area prompted the relocation, then go to a lot of people, the Depression had this quiet streets, crowded into shops, salesmen, gathered in the downtown sit Jia , when our family moved to the shop is. \three-inch feet. the day after, the Linger gradually approached the old lady, but it was a girl who's jealous of the public. Liuyu Ju Feng-ni on the girl let the wind: this monster has a day when we might want to master's sister, then, may you?
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